The Irish in New Zealand

The Irish in New Zealand

The relationships between Ireland and New Zealand run deep

Between 1840 and 1852 the North Island of New Zealand was known as New Ulster, the South Island was New Munster and Stewart Island was known as New Leinster.

An Irishman, William Hobson from Co Waterford, signed the Treaty of Waitangi on behalf of the crown. Three former Prime Ministers of New Zealand were Irish emigrants — Daniel Pollen from Dublin, John Balance from Antrim, and William Massey from Derry — while many more were of Irish heritage. 

Countless bishops, mayors and business founders have contributed to the fabric of New Zealand society down through the year. Thomas Russsll from Cork founded BNZ while the iconic Smith & Caughey’s department store on Queen St was founded by a family from Co. Down. Dublin man Henry Blundell started The Dominion Post newspaper while Robert Hannah from Antrim was behind several department stores and the iconic Hannahs footwear brand.


Thomas Bracken wrote the words to the New Zealand national anthem, God Defend New Zealand. Charles Bowen, a Mayo man who became the Minister for Justice, introduced compulsory, free, secular, primary education for all.

The Irish built many of the roads and infrastructure around the country and have had towns and streets named after them. New Zealand’s capital city is named after Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington, who was born in Dublin. Joseph McMullen Dargaville from Cork developed the town of Dargaville to service his timber and gum trading business.


Irish blood coursed through the veins of some of the greatest All Blacks and sportspeople produced by New Zealand including Dave Gallaher, the Donegal man who captained the Original All Blacks.

More recently, Irish companies have developed strong business relationships in New Zealand and provide key products and services across a broad range of industry sectors.

The legacy continues

Fáilte – Haere mai – Welcome

Informal Networks


Irish Business Network


Working in NZ


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